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Medicinal herb days with guided tours

July 6, 2024
08.00 - 14.00
July 7, 2024
08.00 - 14.00

Herbs can help cure many things, particularly at Ballenberg Open-Air Museum! Let yourself be enchanted by the aromas and powers of medicinal herbs on free guided tours throughout the weekend. The guided tours take place at 10.30 am, 1.45 pm and 3.15 pm in the medicinal herb garden at the craftsman's house from Herzogenbuchsee BE (381).

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An den Heilkräutertagen im Freilichtmuseum Ballenberg werden natürliche Produkte live produziert und verkauft. Bestaunen Sie die grosse Auswahl an Heilpflanzen-Setzlingen oder nehmen Rund um das Handwerkerhaus aus Herzogenbuchsee BE (381) mit der historischen Drogerie, bieten die Ballenberg-Drogisten das ganze Wochenende Gratis-Führungen durch den Kräuter- und Duftgarten an.

Anyone interested in natural medicines and therapies should be sure not to miss our medicinal herb days, when health and well-being specialists make natural products before your very eyes and then sell them. At the Craftsman’s House from Herzogenbuchsee BE (381) with the Ballenberg Pharmacists’ Shop, Ballenberg pharmacists offer free guided tours through the herb and scented garden all weekend long. Admire the large selection of medicinal plant seedlings, which are available to purchase. You can also pay a visit to the spice and dyers’ garden or the exhibition in the Craftsman’s House from Herzogenbuchsee BE (381).

Click on the coloured numbers to see the details of the buildings.

Swiss Open-Air Museum

Museumsstrasse 100
CH-3858 Hofstetten bei Brienz

+41 33 952 10 30

Opening hours

11 April to 27 October 2024
10 am to 5 pm daily

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